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Awesome Upper Body Muscle Building Exercises

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Try These Exercises ! Bodybuilder

UPPER-BODY EXERCISES HELICOPTER : HELICOPTER EXERCISE By rotating your body in this exercise, you shift the focus of the work throughout the shoulder girdle, covering all parts of the region quickly. It's also a super-effective exercise for the obliques....

Monday, February 15, 2016

Want To Build Big Muscles? Here Is How To Gain Muscles Fast

Want To Build Big Muscles? Here Is How To Gain Muscles Fast

Want to build Big Huge Muscles? Then you must Squat! The Squat will build big muscles on your entire body frame.

  1. There are types of people in this world.

First, there are those that make things happen. They calculated and know very sure what they want, then they take action and get it no matter what happens. They single mindedly pursue their ambition and they will ultimately succeed. In bodybuilding, they want to grow big and strong with big huge muscles. They SQUAT and squat and squat again. Have you ever seen anyone who is big, have huge muscles and have a well proportioned body like a Greek god who does not squat? Never.

Then there are those who watch things happen. They will savor the world around them. Then say, we will see what happens next. If it works, well we will decide if we are gonna do it.

These are the majority of the average Joes. They want to grow big muscles and be strong and muscular but are reluctant to make the effort to include the squat in their workout routine. Even if they do, they will do it haphazardly and will give up before they achieve their objectives. Then the excuses will flow. “Squats are too hard on my knees” or “Doing squat will stunt your growth” or “Squats are for my back” or “I just want a well toned body.” Excuses from sour grapes. That is why average joes just remain well… average. We will debunk those excuses later in this article.

Finally there are those that are always saying “Omigosh! What happened?” Needless to say, these people are the ones oblivious to what is happening around them. They will walk leisurely on a treadmill reading a book at the same time when others are raising their heart rates to improve endurance and burn fats.

They are the ones doing dumbbell curls after dumbbell curls when others are doing bench presses, dead lifts and squats. They are the ones who ask the champions why the champs are growing biiger muscles and getting fitter all the time whereas they are at the gym longer, more regular and yet not achieving any result. They will take note of the advises and the next time you see them, they are back to what they were doing. Reading that confounded book on the treadmill. They actually expect changes to take place by doing the same things. How is that possible? Then they will say, “Ah… but you are just lucky to have good genes!” What nonsense!

To build muscles fast and big, you must SQUAT! The squat is often touted as the king of exercise and is grouped together with the dead lift and bench press, collectively called the Big Three for power and muscle mass building. If you want to build big muscles and enjoy a symmetrical physique, you must squat. Period.

In most gym, the squat rack is there collecting dust. Why? Because most people think that their legs will be hidden by their pants. Why bother? How dead wrong they are. Wait till you see them in their shorts or swim wear. You will see Spiderman ..I mean spider legs.

Another reason why people avoid squatting exercises is because the squat work on many major muscles and is grueling work. When you perform squats correctly, you will huff and pant, wheeze, head spinning woozily, see stars, sweat profusely and your entire body will be screaming for you to stop.

Of course the exercise is brutal! You are working out about 75% of your entire muscular structure including your shoulders, traps, back, gluteus, hams, calf, abs and many other synergistic muscles in a single exercise, isn’t that supposed taxed your strength, endurance and your cardio health? Isn’t that the best exercise? Isn’t that why the results from squats will be astounding?

As an added bonus to building big muscles , you will be burning fats like crazy since the squat, given the intensity placed on your body, your metabolism zooms straight up! If your body fat ratio is high, it will help you lose body fat.

And because of the degree of difficulty, squats also force your body to release higher amounts of growth hormone , resulting in new muscle growth in all areas of your body. In addition, squats will cause a spillover effect, enabling you to gain strength in all of your other lifts. Awesome! It just befuddles me why, with all these benefits, people are avoiding squats like a bubonic plague. As for the hard gainers, squat will pack on pounds after pounds of muscle on your entire body! So hard gainers, you must squat to grow big!

If you squat with the correct form, heavy weight and sheer intensity, you will see good results in just weeks. Not just your lower body. Your entire frame will take on a different form. A total body transformation. Guaranteed!

You must know that since squats are performed with heavy weight, so correct form and techniques are critical and cannot be compromised. Anything less, you may sustain serious injury. However, when you adhere to the proper technique, you will be very safe and will enjoy all the benefits that come with the squat. Don’t cheat yourself and substitute squats with leg presses. They are of a different class!

  1. Debunking Excuses!

It’s bad for the knees – In fact, it’s on the contrary. Just like the muscle tissue in your body strengthens when exposed to stress, the tendons, ligaments and other connective tissues in your body will also thicken in response to weightlifting. That means, it actually improve knee health when you squat. It also strengthens all the muscles around your knee and thus providing your knees with support when the muscles are strong and less stress is placed on the knees on your day to day activities. I know. I used to suffer from knee pain until I started squatting and now, my knees are in perfect health that I can even play competitive soccer. Knee problems only occur when you squat improperly like resting at the bottom of the movement or letting your knee protrude over your toes.

It’s bad for my back – For the same reasons about strengthening your tissues, squats also exercises your lower back. When done in correct form, it actually builds strong muscles on your lower back and not only correcting you from bad posture that results in a bad back, it may even give you a healthy strong back. Again, it will only hurt your back if done in poor form like bending forward or doing it with a rounded back instead of arching it during the movement.

It will give you high blood pressure and bad for the heart.
Sure, your blood pressure will rise as your heart will beat faster from the exercise. That is only temporary and not dangerous unless you already have those problems in the first place. Other than that you are actually exercising your heart and cardio vascular system to strengthen it. How can that be dangerous? Don’t most exercises elevate heart rate and increase blood flow? Then they should ban the treadmills and close all swimming pools! Do you buy that nonsense?

So, now that you know that squat is the king of bodybuilding exercises, are you the type that makes things happen or are still contend to be wondering what the heck happened?

Monday, December 14, 2015

What are the Best Exercises to Gain Weight?

Exercises to Gain Weight

If you want to gain weight fast and healthily in the form of muscles, then exercising is a must. However, there are literally hundreds of different exercises you can do, but not all of them will help you gain weight.

One of the most common mistakes, many Ectomorphs (aka Hard Gainer) make when they first enter the gym arena (myself included), is they spend way too much time doing the wrong exercises, such as riding the bike, or bicep curls.

Sure, riding a bike for 30-60 minutes might be good for your cardiovascular health, but it will hinder you from gaining weight for two main reasons:

        It causes you to burn more calories
        It will increase your metabolism

As a Hard Gainer you will probably already struggle to eat all of the calories you need to gain weight, and you don’t need to make this more difficult on yourself by doing too much cardio!

Exercise To Gain Weight : Lat Pull Downs

 Lat Pull Downs

There has been much debate about whether Pull Ups or Lat Pull Downs are superior for maximizing back muscles, but my personal preference is Lat Pull Downs.

Sure, Pull Ups might utilize more stabilizer muscles, but what if you can’t do pull ups yet and what do you do once you can easily lift your own weight?

In order to gain weight, you need to stimulate muscle growth, and this requires you to do a certain amount of reps and lift a certain amount of weights, which will change over time.

Lat Pulls Downs offers you this flexibility. You can easily adjust the weights as you get stronger and stronger, and can even lift more than your own weight if you wanted to.

What’s great about this exercise is that you stretch and squeeze your lats more than you could with Pull Ups, and can easily control the weights to MAXIMIZE your muscle growth.

        TIP: Squeeze and hold onto your lats for a second at the bottom of the motion

Exercise To Gain Weight : Overhead Press

Overhead Press

‘Overhead Press’

                       is another great exercise to help you gain weight and build bigger and stronger shoulder muscles.

What I really like about this exercise it that it complements the Bench Press exercise.

For instance, if you warm up with Bench Press then there’s no need to warm up before doing your Overhead Press (although you still can if you want).

Also, by strengthening your shoulder muscles and rotator cuffs by doing Overhead Pres you will be able to lift more weights with Bench Press.

        TIP: Keep your core and abs tight during this exercise

Exercise To Gain Weight : Bench Press

Bench Press

Next on my list of best exercises to gain weight is Bench Press, which I believe is the best Upper Body Exercise to gain weight for two reasons:

You are able to lift more weights than other upper body exercises

You are able to target muscle large muscle groups such as your chest, shoulders, and triceps.

Basically just like Leg Press you are able to lift a lot of weights, and the more you can lift, the more muscles and weight you can gain!

        TIP #1: Start with dumbbells if you struggle to lift the bar like I did when I first started

        TIP #2: Make sure you have spotter especially if you are lifting very heavy weights

Exercise To Gain Weight : Leg Press

Exercise To Gain Weight : Leg Press

Leg Press

Many experts will tell you that ‘Squats’ is the best exercise to gain weight, but from personal experience I have found that ‘Leg Press’ is actually a lot better.

You might be wondering, why that is?

Doesn’t ‘Squats’ utilize more muscle groups and joints than ‘Leg Press’ does?

Well if you look at that criteria alone then ‘Yes’ I would agree with you, but if you take other considerations such as amount of weights you can lift, and risk of injury, then I think Leg Press is the better contender.

For instance, with the Leg Press machine I am able to lift over 300kg (over 660 pounds), but with Squats I can’t even do a quarter of that amount without injuring myself!

        TIP: Start off with light weights and gradually build up from there E.g. 20-40kg increments

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Body Building Supplements

Body Building Supplements

Bodybuilding supplements consists of various substances including proteins and amino acids, metal replacement products, prohormones, testosterone boosters and are taken by boy builders and sports persons to help building muscle or supplement fat loss. These bodybuilding supplements are also suitable for improving sports performance.

Amino acids, Branched chain amino acids, glutamine and protein:

Protein consumed by our body metabolizes into amino acids. The bodybuilders prefer most commonly three branched chain amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine. Muscles metabolize these branched chain amino acids. Additionally these branched chain amino acids are assumed to have resistance towards muscle breakdown.

Although soy protein, a naturally occurring complete protein may sometime exhibit estrogenic activity and is therefore avoided by many of the bodybuilders, however egg protein is preferred as it is also a complete protein. Casein, another richest protein source of amino acid glutamine is preferred as it contains casomorphine additionally, which releases amino acids at regular intervals.

Bodybuilders prefer to take protein just after exercise or as a replacement of meal. Protein powders are available in the market and right quantity of these at recommended helps in making muscles, as muscles are primarily made of protein and protein also helps us in repairing and growth of muscles.

Whenever you purchase a protein packet, you must look for total serving in the pocket and gram protein, gram carbs, gram sugar and gram fat per servings. If you are lactose intolerant, you should select a protein packet, which does not contain lactose. On the basis of all these information you must select the right product suitable for you.

Metal Replacement Products:

The metal replacement products are either available in powder form or in bar form. Powder form can be mixed with water, milk or juice and can be taken thereafter, however bars can be consumed straight away.

These are made available for complete meal replacement and contains high amount of proteins, moderate amount of carbohydrates and also contains various vitamins and minerals.

Various manufacturers of metal replacement products claim to have added soy protein, egg albumin, whey protein or micellar casein as source of protein. For replacement of carbohydrates ingredients derived from oat fiber, wheat flour or maltodextrin have been added. Some may contain essential fatty acids substitute and other mineral substitutes. Some other products such as glutamine peptide and additional amino acids are also added by some of the manufacturers.

Creatine Monohydrate:

Creatine monohydrate is one of the essential organic acids. It is one of the few products suitable for making healthy muscles. Creatine monohydrate is useful for sports persons engaged in weight lifting and short-range sprinters. Creatine monohydrate works in our body and plays a vital role in making and replenishing of ATP. It is also occurs naturally in beef, pork, and salmon.

If you are on creatine, you may notice a weight gain as creatine has a volumizing effect and draws water and various other nutrients to muscle cells.

Some of the common and minor side effects associated with intake of creatine include stomach upset and gastrointestinal distress. Although, some of the recent studies on creatine shows that it has a positive influence on our heart health and it lowers our lipid profile.

Prohormone Supplements:

Prohormones are precursors to both male and female hormones. Body builders are only interested in the supplements capable to increase male hormone testosterone as at elevated level testosterone will lead to improved muscle growth. Studies carried out on various prohormone have not given the desired results. Some of the horhormone are not significant and effective and may have side effects.
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