Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Bodybuilding seminar with Arnold Schwarzenegger

since arnold schwarzenegger made another film terminator and many of my contacts on bodybuilders, i thought some of you might enjoy this walk through history when arnold appeared on my show in 1976 and made a seminar a month later in philadelphia bodybuilding.the date...
Friday, September 25, 2015
These people Bodybuilding to extreme Moustafa Ismail

While fitness and bodybuilding is a passion What to fame in many of us for some s'ha become a dangerous obsession. Below the most bodybuilders are notorious for boosting pumping there figure with body taste steroids, the testosterone and other forms of substance abuse.For this...
Monday, September 21, 2015
Try These Exercises !

upper body exercisesHellicoter :Helicopter ExerciseBy rotating your body in this exercise, you shift the focus of the work throughout the shoulder girdle, covering all parts of the region quickly. It's also a super-effective exercise for the obliques. It is important in this...
Friday, September 18, 2015
Choosing a gym - 10 Things Must be available

Now you’ve built your motivation for you to start a working out program, the next thing is to decide what gymnasium that you feel relaxed. In case this isn’t, then chances are you aren’t gonna keep with any sort of a plan all of which will sooner end up totally. You’ll know...
Awesome Upper Body Muscle Building Exercises

reason a lot of people focus on upper body muscle building is because that is the first part of the body we usually see when looking in the mirror. Upper body muscle building also signals a lot of things to society, such as strength, power, health and confidence, to name a few.We...