Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Bodybuilding seminar with Arnold Schwarzenegger

since arnold schwarzenegger made another film terminator and many of my contacts on  bodybuilders, i thought some of you might enjoy this walk through history when arnold appeared on my show in 1976 and made a seminar a month later in philadelphia bodybuilding.

the date was July 10, 1976. it was a year of the us bicentennial and also prove to be a historic opportunity for bodybuilders who live in the state of pennsylvania. at that time, the first bodybuilding IFBB sanctioned event occurred. The events were the opening of the IFBB Mr. pennsylvania and annual competitions IFBB Mr. north america. but the big news has been attracting customers for this show: arnold schwarzenegger!

at that time, arnold was the champion IFBB Mr. olympia and certainly the greatest bodybuilder of all time. It was a time of 5 and won the highest honor of Mr. universe Mr. olympia 6 years in a row. He was already a star and appeared on Johnny carson, merv griffin, mike douglas and dinah shore other television interviews. he co-starred with Jeff bridges and sally field in "stay hungry" and was about to appear in a film about bodybuilding called "pumping iron"

a crowd of SRO jammed the auditorium of  high school in berwick, pa. desiring to see arnold and a higher level of competence had seen before. So far, bodybuilding events in this area were sanctioned AAU. Hence bodybuilding fans in northern pennsylvania or anywhere in the state of pennsylvania has never had the chance to see professional bodybuilders high caliber of the size of IFBB stars as they would now. and arnold had ever appeared before in this area.

i should note that a promoter AAU area scranton, pa. he did everything possible to stop this contest will be held. some of his activities included calling the media, including high school, where i met the program (which was fun as i graduated from school and was well known in my hometown) to scare bodybuilders competition even saying they would attend to be banned for life from the UCA and even gone to shoot down my posters that were placed everywhere. he even called some of my days contest judges, telling them that they would be expelled from AAU and a man belonging to a gym. he said that all members would be prohibited if judged this competition.

the good news was the show goes on independence and was a great success. i announced a series of competitions that take place in this area and other developers. if they were banned by the AAU what? there were better options available.

in another note. while I admire the UCA and participation in other sports, bodybuilding were like the mafia, at least, people in charge of weight within the UCA were. so unethical. and by the way, they are no longer involved in bodybuilding. in 1983, the IFBB had crushed the AAU. Bodybuilders away from the AAU. without support in the UCA bodybuilding collapsed. and sport is better as a result.

when the contest was over, a very beautiful and sweet old lady approached me. she said: "are you tony defrancisco is" and of course i said yes she then said?

i'm so glad you raised the IFBB in this area. it was long ago. we needed a change in that organization. but I have a suggestion for you. now that you brought here arnold, you must also bring my son here. he is a good friend of arnold.i said, "is really your son?"

she replied:

frank zane!local bodybuilders in northeastern pa know that frank zane was edwardsville, pa. about 30 miles of berwick. i could see that frank has a lot of her looks from her mother. Ms. zane was a very sweet lady. i told him i wanted to work. for non- bodybuilders, frank zane has become one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time, a three-time Mr. universe and Mr. olympia three times. it is also one of three men to ever defeat to arnold competition.

Bodybuilding fans who heard this conversation started singing."we want zane! bring frank zane in berwick."i told them i wanted to work. now back to arnoldarnold held a q & a session after the bodybuilding show. it was its own dynamic and the public loved him.

several weeks later, as he was vice president of the IFBB for pennsylvania helped me with another program IFBB Bodybuilding in philadelphia and was a judge. arnold was also invited to this event and stars again brought the house down.

that same day, my friend Jamie berlin and i were sitting in the restaurant george washington motor lodge, who was very close to where the fair was held bodybuilding. as we sat there, ready to ask, i guess who walks in? arnold and current Mr. universe robby robinson. arnold saw me and we joined. it appeared interesting.

as we sat down, the waitress came and asked for our order. arnold always see ladiesman waitress very attractive and in response to its cute, "can i help you, sir?" Padded thigh and she said, "yes. sit on my lap" and she did. arnold then showed a picture of george washington, who was on the wall and asked;

how is it that george washington was so boring in this picture? it sounds crazy. marta give you a hard time last night?"

we all laughed. the waitress smiled shyly and said he did not know. his manager called and when he said he had trouble sitting on the thigh of arnold.

i asked arnold what his new goals now that he has been removed from bodybuilding. he said he wanted to take the Mr. olympia bodybuilding competition and a whole new level. as a promoter, who had raised the prize money in the Mr. olympia fivefold from $ 1,000 to $ 5,000 more now runnerups paid this was the first time.

In 1980, the prize money in the Mr. olympia had increased to more than $ 50,000, and today the prize money for the Mr. olympia is over $ 500,000.

then he said he wanted to take action, and after politics. he said he wanted to be governor of california and perhaps one day become president of the united states .. he said he thought the rule of foreigners running for president would be changed and would be opened for him.

in retrospect, it seems that arnold achieved everything except run for president.

the next day was the arnold seminar. he notes that arnold was the first bodybuilder seminars to promote bodybuilding. he felt it was the best way to get and really teach the nuts and bolts bodybuilding bodybuilders and of course, arnold also found a new revenue stream business. he made a lot of money this bodybuilders and learned and loved.

the first time arnold seminar dedicated solely to mental attitude. It was more than just positive thinking. arnold plunged deep into the realization of a champion bodybuilder and in fact, a champion in any sphere of activity. arnold said that the key to their success is an indomitable drive to become the greatest bodybuilder of all time. he said it has developed the right attitude when he started training when he failed to put in a local competition. people who knew him, even if she was crazy.

of course, everyone knows that the hero was arnold reg park. arnold park mentioned seeing their Hercules movies, sitting in the theater eating popcorn and going crazy on the park. then he saw the park on the cover of the german version of muscle builder magazine weiders and immediately established that would resemble park. no, do even better than park.

arnold said cut out pictures from magazines and parking on the wall of his room. Before going to sleep, he just these stunning photos and dream of one day having the same kind of Herculean body. this was at a time when arnold weighed only 150 pounds with 12 inch arms. he had a way to go.

arnold spoke of the formation of images and mental movies coils accompanied by self talk and he could realize his dream. he also said more about his dream and, of course, was nothing more than wise cracks around the world. this push further.

arnold then mentioned his good friend franco columbu. he said that mental dreams were contagious and franco took too much. aaid franco said he would also be a great bodybuilder and share the spotlight with arnold in major competitions. even arnold doubted his friend. he said:

no way franco. his bone structure was all wrong. you have narrow shoulders and weighs only 120 pounds. you are too small. even with my positive attitude, i see no way for you to succeed as a bodybuilder. you must follow boxing or something else.

franco was not intimidated and like his friend arnold overcame seemingly insurmountable obstacles to advance arnold as Mr. universe and Mr. olympia.

arnold spoke a bit of genetics. he said: "i had to or franco saw when we started, especially franco, who would have thought there was no way we could have had the success we did was nothing there to show that we had the potential for but we bodybuilding, however ... that's why i tell people to set their goals high and never give up.

arnold said he had his share of frustrations along the way that the loss of 1966 NABBA Mr. universe in effect IFBB Mr. america chet yorton.

compared seemed so small. but the more i looked, the more impressed i am done. i had seen many bodybuilders with broad shoulders, but before orton, had never seen someone literally deltoid shaped coconut. his whole body was carved. and he had such great legs, especially calves. he was very muscular and tanned. he was white as a ghost and sweet. i learned my lesson and trained like a demon, 7 days a week until the next contest Mr. universe where I won easily, beating american AAU Mr. dennis tinerino,

that loss hurt but early encouraged me. then I went to win the universe pro championships in 1968 as one of two men to win both titles back to back and then came to america, he participated in the IFBB Mr. universe and frank zane lost. that was very humiliating. i am discouraged and motivated by it. so i was trained in the united states and golds gym with zane and others. the transformation has 1968-1969 was incredible.

now I could have let the loss of zane destroy me and should be today? That's why I say, attitude is everything. you should smoke outside of their losses and obstacles. go over them, around them or through them. If you want something bad enough, you'll do whatever it takes to succeed.

arnold then returned to franco.

beyond bodybuilding, franco took this attitude in the race to become a chiropractor. many said they could not pass the test. he passed quickly and now has a very successful practice. he imagined in his head and he did this while training for bodybuilding and maintain a normal job. 

when franco and i came here, started a company called european entrepreneurs. we work on it while forming the double fracture routine preparation for major competitions. people who say they can not become great bodybuilders because many jobs are multiplying nonsense. i was going to UCLA at the time. if you want something bad enough anything stop you. 

Joe (weider) is also a positive thinker. he told me that if I want to grow my thighs, then i have to squat with 600-700 pounds. i told Joe, weightlifters do. Joe said if they do, so why not you? For a moment franco and i were really pushing heavy weights in squats and front squats and dave draper was when he returned in 1969 to 1970. this is the way to grow. you do not accept limitations. you just go with that.

arnold continued to speak of the training. he said he has trained six days a week throughout the year. off season would train chest / back from monday to thursday, shoulders / arms tuesday to friday and legs wed-sat off season, he would work on their weaknesses and sometimes do exercises with dumbbells or a cable emphasis arm the lowest part of the less developed body. wanted symmetry, from left to right on an equal basis or as close to equal as possible.

pre competition was to train twice a day in a double chest split and remarried work monday to friday morning, shoulders and arms on mon-married-friday. Legs that would work at sea thursday and Saturday morning and run nightly from tuesday to thursday to saturday for 2 miles.

with what he would sometimes sit roman chair after each workout with other abdominal work.arnold said he was a believer in heavy basic exercises such as bench press, squats, deadlifts, rows behind the neck press, loops, etc. for growth and snack cable and dumbbell exercises to sculpt the body.

arnold also expressed the need for nutrition and nutritional supplements. Arnold said ingests up to 300 grams of protein per day with 150 liver dried tablets, amino acids and other supplements.

part nutrition turned to John balik. balik John himself was a former Mr. california and now iron man editor. John spent about an hour talking about nutrition and the importance of quality supplements.

arnold returned and most talked about bodybuilding training. he said he learned much of his hero / guardian / friend reg park on training and life. He said park was his greatest hero and he also admired for reeves steve reeves performed as a film actor. he said that, as reeves wanted to go beyond the "sword and sandal" films and participate in several action movies and adventure. this was in 1976 when arnold began his career remember.

arnold then said something that made many people in the room laughing. arnold said:i will be as successful and as well known in the action i'm in bodybuilding.some people thought it was a joke. ao arnold. he answered quickly.when arnold speaks, you listen. i will be a famous actor. you watch. i will show you.
it was 1976. look at what happened. arnold was right, and maybe even a little conservative.

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