Sunday, October 11, 2015

Fat Burners: types and functions

When you are near the middle of summer or summer, you decide it's now or never. You join the gym hoping that at least the motivation will last three months you paid. Your number one goal is not to win Mr. Beach 2013 but at least you settle Cheleros disappear tummy. You do all the cardio within your reach but you want to speed up the process, and then hear a: and why not take a burner?

A fat burner is a supplement that is designed to give you that extra boost you need your body, a "little help" but never replace a proper nutrition plan and a good training program. Do not think it will work if all you do is eat a Big Mac, take your sit burner and wait for results.

For better understanding see the following formula:!!
  1. your + burner = Loss Of time and money
  2. exercises you + 0 + burner weight loss diet
  3. exercises you + + + burner diet = effective weight loss

Now, it is never advisable to start taking a burner from the first day you begin your new eating and exercise plan, since at the beginning of any diet you lose weight faster. Is best left for later, when you see that somehow you've stagnated and no longer lose weight as before. Because of the myriad of brands and products offered in the market, it is important to know what is the ideal for you and your goals burner, since there are two types:

1. Termogénicos.- This is the most common of all. Thermogenic burners help burn fat by raising body temperature and metabolism in general. Usually they contain ingredients like caffeine, yohimbine, guarana, green tea and synephrine hcl. The most common brands are Hydroxycut, Animal Cut Pro Oxyelite, Lipo 6, among others.

Not everyone can take a thermogenic as to speed up metabolism may be contraindicated for people with heart or blood pressure. They can also cause mild side effects like insomnia, tachycardia, tremor, and increased blood pressure. Also keep in mind that if taken for a prolonged period may create undue stress on the central nervous system that could convellar to overtraining. That's why it's always recommended to have periods of rest for your body.

2. Lipotrópicos.- The most popular among these burners is L-carnitine. Carnitine is merely a protein produced by your own body to transport fatty acids into the cell favoring oxidation to be used as energy. When we are low L-carnitine fats tend to accumulate or be eliminated very slowly from our cells and bloodstream. So the L-carnitine is effective for weight loss but also to combat cholesterol and triglycerides. Critics say the L-carnitine only burn fat and be more effective in people who are low in this amino acid. Remember that if your diet is varied and there are plenty of protein should not be low in this amino acid. A multivitamin also help assure us the necessary amount of B6, vitamin C, niacin, iron and methionine nutrients are also collaborate in the synthesis of L-carnitine. The use of L-carnitine as a supplement has no side effects.

In addition to these burners, you can also include in your diet foods that act as natural thermogenic such as red pepper, ginger (raw, fried or as a tea), green tea, apple cider vinegar, mustard, orange and kiwi, caffeine, asparagus, fibrous vegetables (broccoli, kale and cabbage), vegetable fats and
conjugated linoleic acid, found in beef and turkey.


1. dieta.- watch your back to the beginning. You just can not take a burner and wait for a miracle sitting always wanting the easy way. The key to losing weight is to watch your diet if you follow a good diet plan success is 1000000000% INSURED. Include exercises and a burner accelerate the process making cash. Depending on the type, the burners can give you energy, suppress appetite, promote fat oxidation, increase your metabolism and body temperature so you can burn more calories in the day, but look at it this way: if you consume more calories than you spend, how you intend to lose weight? You need to change your eating habits and consume slow digesting complex carbs, good sources of fatty acids and many fresh vegetables. When you have a good food base you can just begin to consider taking a fat-burning supplement.

2. Wanting results inmediatos.- One Month to summer and want to lose 10kg more you have. Or you have a wedding in two weeks and want to enter the S size dress you bought. Or you bought your tickets for vacationing in Cancun next month and want to have photos where not show up or sitting or sealing your belly with sarong. You are realistic when you have a starting where you target, how are you getting and how long. Recommended weight loss is 0.5 to 1 kg weekly to be fatty tissue. If you lose more than the amount that it is likely to be muscle tissue, which will leave you with more sagging especially in the abdominal area, arms and legs.

3. Start with dose máximas.- Again the danger of wanting results in the shortest time possible. If the indications of your burner says start with a daily, is because there are scientific studies behind the product, and want to start with three would be silly as neither your body is adapted to the supplement for its effectiveness is absolute or to learn how you will to react to possible side effects. Always start with the lowest dose and then gradually increase depending on the progress you have.

4. Make continuo.- cardiovascular exercise is very important that while you are taking a burner do cardiovascular exercise to maximize results, but is not the same to get on a bike, or elliptical strip for 30-60 minutes at the same speed Burn calories that increase your metabolism. And how does increase metabolism? With interval training. Cardiovascular exercises can graduate to go varying intensity heart rate First a brief warm, then low speed for 2 minutes and then high-speed 30-60 seconds. Repeat the process 6-10 times. Working different intensities, you increase your metabolism at rest and active, which will accelerate the process of fat loss.

5. Do not include exercises with pesas.- course, logic says that while you are taking a burner want to lose calories quickly therefore do cardio first to lose the extra fat and then plan to do weights only when you've already fallen enough, so that the fat does not get hard. Well, I inform you that the fat gets tough, the only thing you'll need are hard toned muscles will gradually revealing then you lose that layer of fat that covers them. So while you do cardio it is also important to include a weight training to tone your body and prevent sagging. Strength training only thing it will do is help you build muscle mass and simultaneously accelerate fat loss. Remember that muscle burns calories also at rest.

Finally, always keep in mind that if you keep a good eating plan, you are realistic with your goals and timetables, you include adequate exercise and not exaggerate with using a burner will be an excellent tool for expected results. The only thing you should do is market research and compare brands and ingredients to decide what suits you. And show off that body!

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