Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A Natural Diet Solution Doesn’t Have to Taste Bad

A Natural Diet Solution Doesn’t Have to Taste Bad

Can a natural diet solution really work for those of you that are looking to get rid of that excess weight you carry around? Wouldn’t it just be easier to take a weight loss pill or just stop eating altogether? I mean, “natural diet solution” makes it sound like you have to eat tofu and soy and sprouts.

I’ll skip the tofu…

The term ‘natural’ does make a lot of us think that our diet would consist of pine nuts and tofu burgers. But this is really a misnomer. When considering diet solutions, the term ‘natural’ doesn’t have to mean tofu and soy and pine nuts. A natural diet really consists of every day foods that we consume all of the time. What matters is the way we eat these foods.

If you are one of those unlucky people that struggle to keep the weight down, there really is hope! Much of our diet consists of foods that really don’t compliment each other. Some foods just shouldn’t be combined if our goal is to eat healthy and look trim. Most of us enjoy a good steak with a baked potato covered with butter and sour cream. But if we are looking to stave off that ugly belly flab, then this is a meal that adds to the flab. This would not be a natural diet solution.

Can you add some extra trans-fatty stuff to that?

To be totally honest, some foods should not be eaten. Our bodies do not assimilate every edible thing on the planet. So we really need to identify those foods that our bodies either do not, or have difficulty, assimilating. If our bodies don’t assimilate some foods very well, then the chances are extremely high that these foods are clogging up our system. If the system gets clogged, then elimination becomes a problem, not to mention that some of these foods just can’t be eliminated. Some fats are good for us to eat while others clog our arteries. Some fats do not leave and really aren’t welcome! We would all do well not to invite them into our bodies in the first place!

Should I leave a tip?

A natural diet solution will look at the content of the foods we eat and allow us to determine if this is right for us or not. For instance, foods that are high in sugar content are sometimes okay to eat by themselves. The danger comes when we combine high sugar foods with almost anything else. Also, we really should stay away from anything white (except for fish and vegetables). Flour, mayo, wheat. These really aren’t doing anything for our weight loss goals. Shrimp and lobster are very tasty, but our bodies do not do a good job of breaking them down and eliminating them. So you are better to stay away from them. Besides, they are bottom feeders and are really full of crap!

-By: John Frankie Nistor

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