Sunday, November 22, 2015

How to Take Out Blackheads

How to Take Out Blackheads

If you are finding that getting rid of blackheads on your face is becoming a losing battle you are not alone. Many struggle to keep these horrible blemishes off of their face, making it a mark they would rather do without.

You don’t have to lose this battle though. I know it seems like it is a losing proposition, but you can win this conflict with blackheads. Here is how to take out blackheads so you can have the face you so desire.

Honey is one of the best products you can use because it has natural antibiotic properties in it. In fact, many cultures use honey to cleanse cuts and wounds because of this natural property. This can work on your face in the same way. What you want to do is to mix some honey with a little cinnamon. The cinnamon does not have to be fresh. A half teaspoon of powder from a jar you buy in the store is perfect. Take a cotton ball and rub the mixture on an area about one inch in diameter for about three minutes. You will find that the mixture not only cleans away dirt, but the honey will naturally pull out blackheads from the pores making the face a lot cleaner. Do this over all the areas of your face you wish to clean and before you know it you will be winning the war.

You can also buy cosmetic clays that will work perfectly in getting these blackheads out of your face. These are the clays that are used to build masks for actors and actresses in movies. You can find this at many locations where you live. Mix the clay according the instructions provided and apply to the face. This then works much like waxing works. When you pull the mask off the blackheads will come right along with it, making your face a lot cleaner. A lot of people add a little vinegar to the clay when they are mixing it so that the pores can be cleaned by the acid in the vinegar at the same time. After you have removed the mask simply rinse your face with cold water and you are ready to roll.

There are also many commercial cleaning products you can use to clean your face. These can be very effective and will really do a great job in cleaning your face. Some are intended solely to clean the face while others assist in pulling out blackheads that may already be on the face. You will need to look at the box to see how the product works best.

The one thing you want to avoid is simply pinching out the blackheads. This has been the most common method that most people use, but when you push out that oil and dirt it simply spreads on your face and can get pushed into other pores. If you do this make sure you clean your face thoroughly when you are done.

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