Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Female muscle

By definition, a muscle refers to the soft tissue in most animals. Muscles are made of muscle cells that contain protein filaments. These muscles are very important parts of our body as they contract and relax to enable us to move. They are indeed responsible for all motion. Therefore it is important to take a diet with sufficient protein so as to build our muscles to a considerable level. However, it must be noted that there is hardly any limit to how much you can grow your muscles. Body builders who work out and do weight lifting actually work on their muscles in various parts of the body to enlarge them. When you exercise, you carry out motion which is aided by muscles. If you use heavy weights, then the muscle, in trying to accommodate the greater load also adapts and grows. This is what happens in body building.

However not all muscles behave similarly. There are a lot of variations between people of different ages and particularly between people of different sexes. Muscles of males grow faster than female muscle. This is because of the presence of the hormone testosterone in males in a large amount. Female muscles do not grow too much as the testosterone level in female is very low compared to men.

There are also other factors that are unique to female muscles other than the fact that they grow slowly compared to muscles of men. Female muscles do not become visible as easily as in men. Women generally have greater body fat on average and they need to cut down on it before their muscles become apparent. However, increasing muscle mass is extremely healthy for women and it is very much possible with the right determination.

Some steps that women can use to make strong muscles that are visible are as follows. First of all make sure that you do cardio training every day. This gives a good warm up to your muscles before you start working on them and also helps you cut down on your body fat. You should work out about 3-5 times a week and try to use heavier weights after every two weeks or so in each exercise. Try to take shorter breaks between exercises; or start with a fixed break time and as you train for some days, reduce that time. To grow muscles, females should make sure that they take the right diet as well with plenty of protein and some carbohydrates. If you follow these you will soon have apparent muscles to show!

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