Thursday, November 26, 2015

Is Female Body Building Any Different Than Male Body Building?

Is Female Body Building Any Different Than Male Body Building?

Body building was a sport practiced initially by men only due to the requirement of lifting heavy weights in order to build muscle, as well as the appearance achieved by this exercise was not always considered feminine. However, in 1970 female body building was introduced, and everyone embraced it equally as a sport that does justice to both men and women alike.
  • Difference Between Men and Women
Due to the fact that women and men are not built alike, our bodies react differently as well when exercising or body building is involved. Female body building, just like men body building, requires a great deal of discipline and determination. However, at times women face greater difficulties due to the fact that their metabolism is slower and energy output is lower.

Female body building is more complex due to the fact that women’s muscle growth needs to be coordinated slightly differently than those of men. Women who practice body building professionally have encountered difficulties such as hair loss, missing the monthly cycle, and stretch marks of the skin. However, all these side effects can be treated and do not have any fatal consequences.
  • The Task of Body Building
In both men and women body building is not an easy task. It takes hard work to achieve and keep muscles looking as great as they do on body builders. Strict diet, exercise and rest are all part of a female body building program, which a professional instructor will design for each individual in part.

Once you have achieved your desired body building state the maintenance starts, which will last for the rest of your life. Male or female body building is a lifetime job. You cannot just stop it after you have achieved the desired look. Maintaining a body builder body is at times harder than achieving one.
  • Never Give Up
Male and female body building is not an easy task, there will be ups and downs as well. Keeping focused on your goal and being determined to achieve it will take you to the finish line. It does not get specially hard because of the gender of the body builder, but just because it is a hard profession to achieve and follow.

Maintain yourself even after you have achieved your goal with the same old formula: eat right and exercise. This formula was and will always be the golden rule to a better, healthier, and longer life.

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