Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The difference between Wi-protein and casein

Most people know very well the value of protein in general. But if you consume protein to build muscle or simply to supplement your daily value of protein Do you know your type of protein found powder are you using?

There are a lot of extensive discussions about whether you should consume protein casein or whey protein. But the plain fact is that you take advantage of The different types of protein because of the two method of synthesis of protein or break your body

 the beginning of a round on each type of the two

First. protein casein :

Casein constitutes 80% of the milk protein, which is known as essential amino acids as well as the slow absorption

The benefits of protein casein:
Slow absorption and thus ensure a permanent flow of protein and amino acids to the body for a long period of up to seven hours also it contains calcium dairy which is very beneficial for bone health

protein casein Defects :
slow absorption is a negative thing if handled before or some training when your body is in need of protein and amino acids quickly .. also is not suitable for those who have an allergy to lactose where you will feel and can
instead rely on the egg protein

The perfect way to eat :
due to slow absorption, the optimal use of casein protein is right before bedtime so that your body protein covering to ensure the flow during sleep. You can also casein eating between meals if you leave the interval between each meal and other very useful as well as days of fasting Wi protein,

Wi protein that is 20% of the milk protein and essential amino sang, lactose, minerals, vitamins and acids containing bio-balance summit
Whey protein from more proteins and is beneficial to the body, some studies have pointed to the important also to strengthen the immune system and its role to being an antioxidant powers,

Wi-protein supplements :
that whey protein isolated milk is the purest and most concentrated where contains more than 90% protein and negligible proportion of lactose and fat, if any.

The benefits of Wi-protein :
protein promote the body's production process - strengthening the functions of the immune system - Anti-oxidant - fast absorption
defects  Wi protein No defects remember for as long as natural to humans is not covered by overly exaggerated .. scientifically it is not useful in times of protein degradation protein degradation

The perfect way to eat :
Excellent for eating some exercise performance due to direct absorption as well as good speed when waking up to fill the glycogen outlets and to stop the demolition.

CASEIN Protein Compared to protein Wi :
Let's start agree on some basics:
Wi-casein protein, or both are proteins
The concept of the same protein in its simplest form is a group of amino acids that are linked together in the body amino acids are critical in the process of protein synthesis in the body Our muscle growth depends on the balance between the amount of protein synthesis and its collapse You need an adequate amount of protein to add muscle to your body So how does the protein to build muscle

That the muscle growth process can be obtained only in the event that the amount of protein synthesis exceeds the amount of protein breakdown after exercise performance

He said words :
You do not want to break down muscle and its collapse in Exercise

without supplying sufficient quantity of protein and comfort. What is the use of going to the gym and lounge you perform exercises for muscle breakdown and then do not find

the muscle then the amount of protein sufficient to rebuild itself from the new larger ??

So what the real difference between Wi-casein protein and the protein ??

The primary difference between the two lies in how long it takes for the protein broken down into amino acids in the body and then absorbed to the blood stream and thus its impact on the process of protein synthesis or protein breakdown
When casein consumption of the body will take four to five hours to reach the peak of protein synthesis process while the protein Wi-up process of protein synthesis during a peak in the fortieth minute five times faster than casein
But in general, the Wi excellent protein process for the production of protein in the body either casein is an excellent process to prevent degradation of the protein in the body so the two types complement each other and Glory of the Creator who made milk contains two types at the same time because our bodies need their benefits together
Therefore, the containment of the course types will be perfect .. Scoop addresses of Wi-protein immediately after waking up from sleep and Scoop last after the end of the exercise .. Then Scoop of casein before going to sleep
The permission of any types is best for my body?

The determination depends on the "state of your body now," Do you have just finished exercising or you are preparing to go to sleep?
If you've finished performing you'll need to fast absorption protein helps the body to heal muscle that you exercise during the process so it is best suited for you in this case is Wi-protein

But if you are preparing to go to sleep any that your body will be in the "comfort" mode and will be based during sleep to rebuild the muscle itself you'll need to slow absorption protein until a good flow of protein for your body during the hours of sleep provides and thus the body finds a sufficient amount of protein to help him muscle building process as the casein protein severely slowed down the process of demolition of the body and this exactly what you need during the construction process
So the bottom line is that the two types complement each other. You need to have Wi-to protein and casein together and you need to have them in the natural food is the

foundation by any supplements

Important Caution :
Do not mix two types together in the same time and covered under because that will slow down the process of absorption types. If you want to slow protein is simply try eating casein only there is no point and time of Wi-mixed. And vice versa if you want to eat fast protein Ped Wi-only and there is no benefit in mixing casen. If you have a Wi-only protein and want to make it slow in order to eat before going to sleep, you can power mixed with natural milk

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