Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Suspension Training

Suspension Training

Abs training

Abs training is the most sought after coaching between all others. Abs are amazing to look at and would make a good impression on solely about anybody. It shows great assiduity and discipline as well as hard work and persistence. This is the main cause why people are always training abs, even neglecting their remaining body parts. A good way to enhance your abs workout is by employing the use of suspension training.

Suspension workout

The suspension workout greatly amplifies your regular workout and turns it into a whole new one. The new workout is assured of quick results with lesser effort and you can’t beat that. How does the suspension system do this? It uses a impedance based technique wherein your body is put into the equation. With the help of your body, the routine becomes more hard which makes you grow abs quicker. Let us take a look at some of the workouts which can be further improved by this system.

Basic crunch

The most important exercise in abs workout is the basic crunch. What you do is you lie on your back and then move your feet close to your buttocks thus bending your knees. Just keep your hands behind your head and crunch right up. There is no need to go all the way to the top. This is important to keep your back safe. To make this basic crunch a suspension enhanced one, all you need to do is grasp the handles of the suspension while keeping your hands beyond your head. This will provide added impedance that will make your crunch harder but more efficient.

Oblique crunch

The next workout is the oblique crunch. This is performed on either of the sides, on at a time. This works the same way as a basic crunch except that you only move one side of your body up. You try and reach your left arm toward your right knee and vice-versa. The suspension is also used similarly as in the basic crunch. Just grasp the handles with your hand while performing the workout. Be sure you do not yank your head. Also while you are grasping the handle, do not firmly hold the back of your head. This is because you might risk pulling your head in case the strength of the straps is too much for you and your hand is accidentally pulled by the straps.

Reverse crunch

The last workout that can be enhanced by the suspension is the reverse crunch. This works the same as the basic crunch except in the opposite way. Instead of trying to reach your knees, this time you lie flat on your back and try to touch your knees toward your chest. The suspensions come into the picture when you attach the handles to your feet. This will restrict your feet’s movement and make it harder for your knees to touch your chest.

While suspension training may not be a new thing, there is no telling where it is headed next. Sooner or later, one might be able to take his training to new heights. Until then, it pays to get started as early as possible.

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