Saturday, November 21, 2015

Female bodybuilding diet

Female bodybuilding diet

Body building is not easy and it requires hard work and dedication throughout. Moreover, it needs the perfect combination of weight training and exercise. Any misbalance between the two can slow down the process of building your body. This is the reason to seek the advice of your trainer in whatever exercise you do and whatever diet pattern you follow. Rather it is best to follow a workout plan and a diet plan designed by your instructor.
It must be pointed out here that body building’s main determinant is what you eat. If you just train and do weight lifting, you will never be able to develop strong muscles. Rather only working out will further cut down the fat and you will start to lose weight. On the other hand, too much of the wrong diet can increase your weight but not the way you want to. You may gain fat and become obese. Therefore it is important to burn or cut down what you eat and eat right.
The most important part of your diet should be protein. This is because proteins build up muscles. You should take plenty of protein foods that include egg white, meat (especially fish and chicken), pulses etc. You also need considerable amounts of carbohydrates and a minute quantity of fats as well.
To gain weight and increase you muscle mass, you need to increase your diet by at least 500 calories in the first few weeks. Go on doing this every month until you consume about 3000 calories a day. Remember that the muscle building process will not be as fast as it is men. Be patient and work with determination. You should also have plenty of fluids including water and juices but a little at a time. Taking big gulps can make you feel heavy and fatigued and hinder your exercise. Moreover, it may also lead to a larger tummy.
If you cannot consume so many calories in the conventional 3 meal system, resort to short frequent meals. You can take as many as 6 meals with about 3 hours in between. Make sure that you also workout as much as you consume or you will gain fat mass. Your gym instructor will help you in determining that amount.
Common foods that you can consume include grilled chicken, steaks, pulses, boiled rice, broccoli, cauliflower, cottage cheese as well as pre workout and post workout protein shakes to speed up your body building process.

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