Saturday, November 7, 2015

The declining balance training

To build muscle, you have to perform the repetitions to failure. This does not necessarily mean that one has to go up to complete exhaustion, but rather that we should be able to do more repetitions with a given load. To increase the intensity of the session, you can call on bodybuilding techniques to extend the same training when we arrived to failure. The regressive repetitions are one such technique that can quickly stimulate muscle development.

The declining balance method
When working a muscle activity in the fibers become increasingly tired and eventually no longer able to move the load. Nevertheless, although weakened, they still have some strength. By lightening the load enough (of about 20% -30%) and resuming immediately the series, we see that we can still make some rehearsals, which results in a more pronounced hypertrophy.

Sliding scale training example
Suppose that you make the curls with a bar of 45 kg. After 10 to 11 repetitions or the number of repetitions you need to come to failure, you reduce immediately the load and align the maximum repetitions before you reach muscular failure again. If you continue this way, these Merchant repetitions could be organized as follows: 11 repetitions at 45 kg, 36 kg to 10 reps, 8 reps at 28 kg and 18 kg to 8 repetitions, for a total of 37 repetitions. Without this accelerated basis, you would have realized that 11 repetitions.

For this technique intensification gives the best results, make sure to continue the series with minimal rest: stop just time to lighten the load. Remember that the goal is to promote hypertrophy shoving muscles and overloading. There are two ways to achieve the decreasing repetitions: stripping and to the rack.

This is the classic relief: if working with a bar, the training partner quickly removed a disc on each side until it reaches to perform more reps with a given load. The partner continues to ease, removing even two disks or three times, until we arrive at a very close to the muscle exhaustion stage.

Make the rack
When you train with dumbbells, take immediately a pair of lighter weights when muscle failure occurs. We then made the most of repetition, based dumbbells and continue with lighter weights to achieve between 1 and 3 more repetitions.

Like other intensification techniques, you will use this method occasionally. Remember that to gain muscle, you must constantly change stimulation to force the muscle to adapt and therefore to develop. By not changing workout, the muscles get used to the work request and not grow.

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